
I'm few days away from the departure and I cannot wait!


I succeeded in getting strenght back these last weeks, standing back from the Malagasy incident and appreciating my chance of still being part of the Coopération.


I was considering my professional life these days and smiling thinking about what Anglo-saxons and French think about it. In the end, I have whole life experiences, that's it. When I'm leaving, I'm embracing the experience. I think I like to 'put my hands in a country's guts'. I had the opportunity to write a guide for French expats in Australia and it lead me to this vision. Unfortunately, the editor did not publish my work as he thought it was not in line with what they wanted (but the whole book was written!). But this work helped me asking myself pertinent questions about the foreign country I'm living in, my home countries (as binational) and standing back about life in general.


A new aventure will start and I cannot wait for it to start!

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  • #1

    Sarah (dimanche, 01 janvier 2017 10:31)

    Oh so happy to read you again nath! I was wondering and I was thinking of you this last few days- I wish you and Francois all the best for 2017!!! Lots of love